Grain dog food whole grains provide an important nutritional resource for your dog including b vitamins iron magnesium selenium carbohydrates for energy and fiber to aid in digestion.
Why grain free dog food is good.
When grain free dog food swarmed the pet nutrition market it quickly rose to popularity.
How to choose a good grain free dog food.
These fillers provide no nutritional value.
Grain free dog foods also tend to have better quality ingredients because they contain no fillers like corn meal or wheat gluten.
Also grain free diets are great for some dogs to help them maintain a healthy weight.
In the fda s july 2019 update on diet and canine heart disease they examined labels of dog food products reported in dcm cases to determine whether the foods were grain free defined as.
Grain free diet for dogs can be good only for certain pets and in very specific cases.
In large majority of instances there is no need for your pet to be eating a grain free diet.
But unlike cereal grains peas lentils and legumes are all high in protein.
This is because an alternate form of starch is needed for kibbles to be extruded.
Grain free dog food can help dogs with health conditions including obesity diabetes cancer or chronic gut inflammation.
Best grain free dog foods the best grain free dog foods typically contain more protein than those made with grain.
If your dog is doing well on a grain free dog food but you are worried about the possibility of cdm our best recommendation is to talk to your veterinarian.
You may have heard that grain free dog food has more meat because it makes up for the lack of grains.
The best dog food according to experts includes wet dry and grain free dog food brands like rachel ray instinct orijen the farmer s dog freshpet and more.
Just as much care should go into choosing a grain free dog food as it would be for accepting any food.
But many are made with grain substitutes that can upset the nutrient balance of the finished food.